Solution Wide Email and SMS Notifications

Built to provide the reminders today’s busy students need to reach important appointments and milestones on their pathway to graduation

  • Reduce no-shows with automated meeting notifications and reminders
  • Automated alerts can be programmed to send via SMS text messaging, emails, or system popup
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Send notifications that students will actually see.

Email + SMS Alerts

Visible Notifications

Staff and students will always know what and how to prepare for meetings and upcoming tasks, thanks to email and SMS reminders.

Customizable Alerts

Reminders are not a one-size-fits-all, which is why we've made it so you can change alert timing, messages, and more.

All Details in One Place

Email and SMS alerts give you all meeting details so you don't have to go searching for them at the last minute.  

Email + SMS Alerts

Ensure Everyone is Prepared

No more guessing whether someone remembered their appointment or tasks.

Always Know Where to Go

Whether meeting in person or call-in, all details are included in reminders.

Make Reminders Work For You

Fully customizable, alerts make your job easier by lessening your load.

Calendar Sync FAQs

How does Calendar Sync integrate with the Google Calendar scheduling tool? 
By connecting to the ConexEd Calendar Sync, can others see my Google Calendar appointments?
Why use the ConexED calendar scheduling and sync tools? 

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Email + SMS Alerts
Reduce no-shows with automated meeting notifications and reminders

ConexED Enhances Accessibility and Student Support at Barstow Community College

ConexED scheduling and virtual one-stop-shop solutions has made a significant impact on student and staff experiences at Barstow Community College.

Boost Efficiency with Seamless Scheduling

Contact us to learn more about our calendar sync feature and full scheduling solution. 

Email + SMS Alerts