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ConexED Integrations

As a first of its kind, our higher education software combines every tool that a successful student services division uses into one fully customizable, enterprise platform. ConexED provides the ability to integrate with multiple Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Student Information Systems (SIS) platforms creating a holistic view of a student’s history.  Put an end to double entry work with continuously updated inforamtion everywhere, automatically.

Screenshot of Conexed integrations
a diagram of the different features of conexed.

Technology Built with Operational Excellence

ConexED's integrations empower administrators with comprehensive tracking from enrollment to graduation, enabling strategic resource allocation. Our appointment scheduling, student lookup, and kiosk systems ensure accurate information and reports. Implementation involves an SIS API or flat file import/export, followed by customization. ConexED Cards, embedded into any platform, enable instant chat sessions and video meetings, boosting interactivity.

SIS Integration

SIS Integration

Integrating ConexED with your SIS system is vital for streamlined student support. It automates data synchronization, enhances communication, and improves operational efficiency. With real-time access to up-to-date student information, staff can provide personalized support and make data-driven decisions for student success.

Logos of: Canvas, Blackboard learn, Desire2learn & Moodle

LMS Integration

LMS integration allows for automatic synchronization of student data, course information, and academic records, reducing manual data entry and minimizing errors. This integration empowers educators with real-time access to student information, enabling them to provide personalized support and track student progress more effectively. It ensures a cohesive learning experience for students, improves institutional efficiency, and facilitates data-driven decision-making to support student success.

Logos of: Shibboleth, SAML, CAS & LDAP

SSO Integration

ConexED uses SAML2/Shibboleth Single Sign On. Eliminates the need for individual passwords for each account and replaces them with a single set of corporate credentials. Users are able to sign on with just one set of credentials to access all of their applications and services.Stronger Security; Lower IT Costs; Safer Mobile Adoption; Increased Productivity; Better User Experience.

Logos of: G Suite, Office 365 & Outlook

Calendar Integration

Cloud-based calendar integration into Office 365, Exchange Server, Outlook and Google. ConexED integrates with most email providers making scheduling a breeze for faculty and staff to review scheduled appointments. Faculty and staff can be placed in different groups based on specific parameters such as type of service or subject type, allowing each school to provide immediate services to students and/or parents.

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Discover more about ConexED's impact and insights in our product blog. Dive into stories, tips, and expert advice to elevate your student engagement strategy.