ConexED Business Intelligence Dashboard
Dashboard displaying student success metrics, including real-time data on engagement, retention, and academic performance, using ConexED's Business Intelligence tools.
Mitchell McCann
Mitchell McCann

ConexED Business Intelligence Dashboard

Utilize ConexED's Business Intelligence Dashboard to track student success metrics with real-time data analytics. Gain insights into student performance, engagement, and retention to enhance outcomes in higher education.

Introducing the ConexED Business Intelligence Dashboard

To better address these concerns, ConexED introduces its newest technology: The Business Intelligence Dashboard. Designed to create operational efficiencies, identify opportunities, and empower institutions by uniting critical data insights to cross-campus student support services, the Business Intelligence Dashboard analyzes collected information in real-time. Now our partners can properly project trends in the coming school year using predictive analytics to improve staff efficiency, enhance the student experience, and increase rates of retention and graduation.

The dashboard combines sophistication and power in an aggregated reporting engine with a new approach to real-time analytics. A game changer for higher education leadership – providing them insights into these three key areas: 1) student success and satisfaction, 2) staff efficiency, and 3) retention and graduation rates.

Located in the User Panel after logging in, the Business Intelligence Dashboard improves efficiency and effectiveness for school leadership by highlighting specific times when student support is needed most in an attractive, clean user experience, with an instant mapping view of the student support services that are the busiest. Recording the number of scheduled meeting appointments each hour, the Business Intelligence Dashboard clearly displays the recurring days and times when student requests are most frequent, with the busiest hour segments appearing more saturated in color. See Figure 1, below.

Student Success Metrics
(Figure 1, Business Intelligence Mapping)

Student support services can now optimize student outreach, rooted in data, allowing leadership to know how to best allocate all staffing resources. It is the perfect vehicle to access the data necessary to identify behavioral trends within a specific cohort, allowing teams to address those trends to significantly increase your school’s overall efficiency.

This thorough tracking of student meetings benefits your school in two crucial areas: staffing shortages, and requests for time off. Our predictive analytics provide the snapshot needed that will drastically reduce time as well as save the school money.

Using the ConexED BI dashboard, student support services now have all the necessary tools to optimize student outreach with a report generator that displays the reasons, and proves why different cohorts are so critical to identify and understand. Establishing reason codes specific to specialized student service groups allows for tracking specific demographics in real time.

Think of this example. If veterans are struggling in algebra and don’t know where to find help, that pattern is nearly impossible to identify using fragmented campus systems. With the Business Intelligence Dashboard, leadership teams can now get ahead of such problematic trends, so students no longer fall behind. Leadership teams will now have the ability to look at their campus as a whole, or drill down into specific departments, giving them true visibility into their staff and student demographics. See Figure 2, below.

Student Success Metrics

Because students need constant access to their student support services team, the Business Intelligence Dashboard allows leadership to view metrics that display the demand of location regardless of the device used, thus creating a funnel of informed decision-making never before possible. Institutions can now maximize federal funding for both students and the school personnel for the greatest success possible.

Student Success In Increased Retention and Graduation Rates

The new Business Intelligence Dashboard also provides the student support services team insight into student drop out rates. Leadership now has clear visibility of how many meetings resulted in no-shows, and which students were non-appearing. Accessing data on mental health meetings, no-show stats, and chats, immediate action can be taken that can be the real difference between student retention, or students walking away.

The Business Intelligence Dashboard data highlight the number of instant messaging taking place, messages that convert into instant video meetings with a virtual “knock-on-the-door,” virtual lobby wait times, on-premise kiosk queuing wait times – the amount of time spent in all appointment types, arming the leadership team with crucial insight into the state of student support needs and demands, on and off-campus – all with the ease of instantly generating the required administrative reports.

Student Success Metrics


The ConexED Business Intelligence Dashboard provides the power and visibility needed for today’s dynamic modern student support services teams. Using this new offering from ConexED, leadership has the ability to drill down into cohorts with such data pieces as training, advising, residency, and even personal problems. Leadership can now understand the specific and special needs of demographics so every student has chances they have never had before to achieve the overall goal: graduation. All of this and more in attractive, interactive graphics charts (literally click on images to open up 12 different categories of data), and a report generator that aggregates data that’s simple to understand, visually dynamic, and on-demand – In real time where a click of the mouse provides an instant aggregated update.

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